And the influx - largely attributable to the city's immigration explosion - has continued during the 90's.
Our position is largely attributable to Michael and the management he put in place.
This was largely attributable to the rebound in Japanese equities.
Even for the time, the special effects of the original show were considered sub-par, largely attributable to the show's small budget.
This was largely attributable to the fall in the industrial sector in the month.
Variations in administrative costs between private plans are largely attributable to economies of scale.
The low attendance is largely attributable to the poor weather.
Last year's loss was largely attributable to a $58 million write-down in the value of certain oil and gas properties, the company said.
This is largely attributable to the state's size and correspondingly lower caseload.
The higher offensive numbers were largely attributable, among other things, to greater frequency of power plays.