Former farmers and owners of conservancies like Mr. de Vries are largely barred from their old lands, and the settlers who replaced them are hostile to outsiders.
During this period Niven was largely barred from the Hollywood studios.
Black Virginians were largely barred from education until Reconstruction.
Washington wants Russia to open up its markets quickly and allow competition from American banking and insurance companies, which are largely barred from doing business here.
Toronto was barred largely by salary cap from making any drastic changes to its starting lineup, but they remained active in transfer activity.
As a Jew, Perlman was largely barred from obtaining a higher education in Russia.
They are largely barred from the civil service and military and are disenfranchised by being labeled as 'foreigners' and 'non-citizens' of Burma.
The proposals represent the latest erosion of the Glass-Steagall Act, the landmark law that for 61 years has largely barred commercial banks from trading securities.
Banks even own investment houses, whereas in the United States banks have been largely barred from stock market activities since 1933.
It has been argued that ministers, now largely barred from politics, spent more time with their flocks and placed an emphasis on preaching that emulated the sectaries.