After 1870, however, her life was largely consumed trying to gain payment for $5,000 she insisted that the government still owed her for her wartime publications.
He also has to show that he has a domestic agenda at a time when his presidency is largely consumed by Iraq.
Steak grade yellowfin, which is largely consumed in this country, went for $2.50 a pound dockside, and bigeye about $4.
It is used in making brass, britannia, and other alloys, and is also largely consumed in electric batteries.
However, beef is largely consumed in the hill districts with large Christian populations and sold openly in cities like Aizawl.
From 1958 to 1966, Sullivan began working as a nurse and raising her children, which largely consumed most of her time.
Residences made out of wood with only the walls and chimneys made of stone had been largely consumed by the fires.
It likewise survived near disaster on June 29, 1878, when the Bridge Street business district of Frenchtown was largely consumed by fire.
The first installment, "The Duel," is largely consumed with the theme of confronting one's fears.
Intravenous drug use is also rare here -partly because of the high cost, partly because the heroin that is used is consumed largely by smoking.