This proposal was defeated largely by William, who insisted that he would not be his wife's "gentleman usher".
After three months of intense fighting, the rebels were largely defeated.
The idea was defeated largely because other council members deemed the wording to be too general.
It was defeated largely by retired people living 200 miles away, along the Colorado River who voted against the holiday by 2 to 1.
By now, the Turkish Army in Mesopotamia had been largely defeated and the regiment did not see any significant fighting.
On the round of 16, Argentina was largely defeated at the hands Mexico by 4-1 and eliminated from the tournament.
It was defeated last month largely along party lines.
The effort, supported by the Bush Administration, was defeated in the Senate largely over wildlife concerns.
Counter-insurgency campaigns by the Thai military meant that by the 1980s insurgent activities had been largely defeated.
By the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th, these were largely defeated.