Development on future projects, like an ambitious dual-screen laptop concept, largely halted.
This practice had largely halted by 1988, with comparatively few withdrawn up to 1992.
Development of the tool has largely halted, with attention focusing instead on the OpenSync project.
Moreover, Asian countries have largely halted their practice of borrowing on short terms from abroad to finance big, long-term projects.
Five towns are entirely in the preservation area, where development has been largely halted.
Proshika's offices were raided, its workers arrested and its activities largely halted.
A similar 12.4-mile zone around Sarajevo has largely halted the fighting there.
This filling was largely halted by efforts of Save The Bay from the 1960s to the 1980s.
Luftwaffe offensive operations were largely halted after late 1943 owing to Allied air superiority.
In light of the corruption, human technological and social progress has largely halted.