That talent, as it turns out, was largely illusory.
But as he approached the furnace, he discovered that it was largely illusory.
Since nonetheless the gentry of the vicinity were anything but affluent, the profits may have been largely illusory.
But for the population at large, shifting the economic burden away from government (and hence the taxpayers) may turn out to be largely illusory.
It raises the question: what if the ability to change the course of events is largely illusory?
Thus, all control is partial, temporary and largely illusory.
Mr. Klaus left behind a privatization process that many now believe was largely illusory.
But the success appears to have been largely illusory.
A close look at Mr. Bush's budget, however, shows that his promise was largely illusory.
The collapse of the market in February 2008 revealed that these benefits were largely illusory.