Having received protected status in 2002, they are a popular tourist destination and are about 20 minutes taxi ride from the largely indigenous town of Otavalo.
They persist most strongly in areas that remain largely rural with a largely indigenous population, particularly the West Country.
Objective One funding has been used in supporting and developing a largely indigenous food and farming industry which is now worth nearly two billion pounds a year.
Some post-1980 studies indicate that food production was largely indigenous to the Indus Valley.
Apart from the Taliban, sources of violence in Afghanistan are several and largely indigenous.
This can be attributed to a largely indigenous work force, living in all five boroughs and reflecting the racial, social and ethnic composition of the city.
The organization employs over 1,400 people, largely indigenous to the countries or to the areas where it works.
The members of this genus are largely indigenous to South America.
The largely indigenous immigrants from the Andes bring a fierce capacity for hard work and an ancient commitment to community.
The lake itself is rich in animal life which provides a significant food source for the largely indigenous population.