Largely known as a base stealer, in his prime he also hit for average and moderate power.
Snowden was largely known for his studies of black people in the ancient world.
Over the years, the basic concept for what is now largely known as photocopying has remained the same.
Over the last week, the shootings have focused national attention on a city largely known for racial tolerance.
In the period from 1928 to 1996 it was largely known for its slaughterhouse.
Ward has been known largely as a deep threat, but that role may be amended.
They are simply meeting a demand and even offering a service: promoting a culture that is largely known to the world only through its music.
The culture is known largely from cemeteries in the low desert.
It is known largely for its crime, especially instances of prostitution and drug sales.
Today the parish is known largely for its tradition of choral music.