Platform and battery life was a problem 5 years ago, but modern processors and Win7 have largely mitigated these major issues.
The transportation problem was largely mitigated by the advent of a railroad (1906 through 1941) and by road and truck since 1990.
Across the city, though, the impact of these cuts has been largely mitigated by the assignment of nearly 5,000 workfare employees to work in parks.
With the development of resistant cultivars in of the major crops impacted by this pathogen, the importance of S. solani has been largely mitigated.
Many .17 Remington shooters have reported optimum accuracy when the bore is cleaned after every 10 - 20 shots., though more modern metallurgy used in both barrels and bullets has largely mitigated the alleged fouling issue.
Mainstream economists believe that economic recessions can be largely mitigated by increasing money supply during economic downturns.
It also said the financial impact of the delay to its 2011 results will be largely mitigated by a deal this week to sell three Ocean Patrol Vessels to Brazil for £133m.
However, some aver that older people in the developed world have much higher productivity, human capital and better health than their counterparts in developing countries, so the economic effects of population aging will be largely mitigated.
My hunch is that the effects of this second constraint will be largely mitigated by the distributed computing trend I outlined above.
"If the dollar holds, the negative implications of rising interest rates abroad can be largely mitigated," said Robert M. Giordano, a partner and director of economic research at Goldman, Sachs & Company.