Construction began in 1941 of two airbases consisting of 5.8 km2 (2 sq mi, 1,400 acres) of land, largely reclaimed from the sea.
Tarro Park sports ground, largely reclaimed from wetlands, has several soccer and football fields, a playground and bird ponds.
It has now been largely reclaimed by nature.
It is frequently rented for private parties and events and has largely reclaimed its faded status as a center for local social life.
This part of Ghatkopar was largely reclaimed from the marshes and salt pans belonging to the Salt Commissioner in the early 1960s.
It was one of several villages that stood on the edge of the Lochar Moss which was largely reclaimed in the 19th Century.
In recent years, the term meet market has become neutral or even been reclaimed largely by commentators on the single scene and event promoters.
The bay is largely reclaimed for the bus depots.
The bases consisted of 5.8 km2 (2.25 mi2) of land, largely reclaimed from the sea.
The cove was largely reclaimed for the development of Sha Tin New Town.