Darger's human figures were rendered largely by tracing, collage, or photo enlargement from popular magazines and children's books.
The amount of additional material quickly declines so that the book's last three chapters are largely rendered verbatim.
The castle ceased to be a royal residence by 1600 and was largely rendered obsolete in the 16th century by artillery.
It is largely rendered in monochrome, though there are touches of red in the girl's head comb, dress and in the cafe behind her.
This system has largely rendered grade retention unnecessary in all but the most exceptional circumstances.
When considered in conjunction with today's announcement, though, Mr. Aristide's actions have largely rendered that debate academic.
These simple techniques have been largely rendered obsolete by modern transform-based audio compression techniques.
In the high moment of digital photography, fashion illustration, rendered largely with pen, ink and paper, appears to be having a small renaissance.
The plan designed for large numbers of refugees is largely rendered inappropriate by the decline in the number of refugees.
Since the shopkeeper was most likely to be the shop owner, service was rendered largely on a friendly and personal basis.