His humorous treatment of bears, cats, dogs, horses and monkeys, generally with some human occupation and expression, usually satirical, gave him a great vogue at one time, and his pictures were largely reproduced.
Originally, NewsBios content was largely reproduced from issues of the newsletter.
It was unexceptional, and largely reproduced ideas already incorporated in the Dudley Report and the County of London Plan.
In doing so, community schools, with their commitment to students of all ages and skill levels, have largely reproduced the traditional role played by the public schools.
But the interim report, which officials said would be largely reproduced in the commission's final report, did cite new evidence of ties between Al Qaeda and Iran.
Like every other major newspaper, the two tabloids have been providing readers with enormous maps, which, in The Post's case, have been presented in color and are largely reproduced from a sister paper, The Times of London.
Societies are still largely reproduced through this process.
In Parkhurst Prison he found these circumstances to be largely reproduced, but modified in ways that made them appropriate to his age.
Our committee's opinion, passed with unanimity, has been largely reproduced by the Committee on Transport and Tourism, in a spirit of cooperation that we succeed in creating on long-term projects.
This series has been largely reproduced in a compendium published in 1982 called Roy Johnson's Red River Valley: A Selection of Historical Articles First Printed in the Forum from 1941 to 1962.