The slave trade was largely suppressed by the mid-19th century.
After 24 hours the demonstrations had been largely suppressed, leaving between 27 and 100 dead.
Her largely suppressed Southern accent broke through, as it did at times of great stress.
Their work had been largely suppressed by Tyndale's day, scholars say.
By the mid-1830s, nearly all foreigners had chosen to leave or were expelled, and British influence was largely suppressed.
The move suggested that while popular protests had been largely suppressed, the opposition movement continued to push back against the regime.
With air defenses largely suppressed, tactical aircraft can fly low and slow.
Iran's Kurds have been largely suppressed, a Western diplomat said.
The work was largely suppressed, censored or, worse for the artist, relegated to a critical backwater.
In that battle, 20 whites and 44 slaves were killed, and the rebellion was largely suppressed.