Then in June she was appointed foreign minister, an ostensibly prestigious post largely unconnected to her economic training, though she retained the portfolio of shepherding the economy.
What made this particular episode revealing was that the books found under his bedclothes were largely unconnected with his studies.
Optional sidequests, largely unconnected to the main story characters, are also available to play at various points in the game.
Despite the poem's relative obscurity, some scholars have drawn on Priapeia 68 for reasons largely unconnected to its language or topic.
On the picture just conveyed, research appears to have something of the character of a commodity, largely unconnected with 'improvement', whether improvement of society or of the individual.
It represents a break with the narrative of the previous five novels, being set at an earlier time and in a largely unconnected location.
I have a friend named Kelley, a grad student when I wrote the piece, and in a field largely unconnected with engineering.
Although it deals with an alien, the episode is largely unconnected to the mythology of The X-Files, and functions as a "Monster-of-the-Week" story.
The Kentucky Fried Movie consists of largely unconnected sketches that parody various film genres, including exploitation films.
He expresses these feelings through a series of largely unconnected descriptions of what he is doing while "my thoughts spiral".