The rebels then marched into the largely undefended capital.
Phillips then advanced again against the largely undefended countryside.
The idea was to push the rebels forward, toward the harbor front, which appeared largely undefended.
That also concerns Lorn, for when before have the barbarians failed to raid when they have had weapons and largely undefended hamlets?
The lower reaches of the rivers and the coastal regions were left largely undefended.
Were this system to fail, the body would be largely undefended from infection.
In practice, the three northern provinces (Drenthe, Groningen and Friesland) would remain largely undefended.
Quickly the wrestling team moved on up to the largely undefended fourth floor where Evekian lived.
In the popular press, however, Haines was denounced as pro-Soviet; largely undefended by others in the profession, she withdrew into retirement.
Instead, the Prince continued eastward into lands previously untouched by the war and largely undefended.