But there is much, much more to see in this vast state, still largely undiscovered by foreigners.
For now, these rough diamonds remain a largely undiscovered treasure.
I sat alone looking out over the Sea of Galilee, and was quietly thankful that Jordan's pilgrimage sites remain largely undiscovered.
If such features existed at all, they have either weakened or remained largely undiscovered.
This largely undiscovered storefront sports a flower-bedecked five-table 25-seat patio that reminds many of a European village courtyard.
They are little used, and their content is largely undiscovered.
Abroad, rugby is a pre-eminent spectator sport, but in America it remains largely undiscovered.
The rickety, largely undiscovered trains of Vietnam were irresistible.
Montafon is largely undiscovered by British tourists yet offers a wealth of beautiful slopes, within easy reach from Friedrichshafen airport.
For many American readers, African literature remains a largely undiscovered continent.