Much of the improvement in January came from a sharp and largely unexplained fall in spending by government departments.
This surrender has amounted to an extraordinary, largely unexplained shift by Mr. Milosevic.
The limited data available suggest there are also substantial socioeconomic differences in morbidity, but these differences remain largely unexplained.
The Congressional Budget Office said today that it had detected a largely unexplained rise in tax revenues and a slightly stronger economic growth forecast.
Such curiosities have gone largely unexplained.
Its psychological genesis remains largely unexplained.
The nature and characteristics of nidhis have remained largely unexplained and have not been fully understood.
The catechism also says homosexuality's "psychological genesis remains largely unexplained."
At present, why adaptation have such profound effect on numerosity estimates remains largely unexplained.
A mysterious and largely unexplained force in the world, which the Magi manipulate to create their spells.