But there and elsewhere the strategy's enormous potential remains largely unfulfilled because strapped city governments don't have the resources to finance its expansion.
Although Mulgrew showed promise, this was largely unfulfilled and he did not score consistently.
The exhibition concludes that Robinson's "vision remains largely unfulfilled."
He was killed while on active service in February 1944, leaving his potential largely unfulfilled.
But when television started offering him work, he quickly accepted it, leaving his ambition to do serious acting on the big screen largely unfulfilled.
But the low-cost part of cable's original promise has gone largely unfulfilled, and many systems aren't signing up networks to fill every available channel.
But his Olympic career has gone largely unfulfilled.
Yet those dreams went largely unfulfilled because of a series of foot injuries that hampered him.
In short, the promise of a medium whose technology allows the viewer to interact with and shape a narrative remains largely unfulfilled.
Even more disappointing, his mission aboard the Sanderling remains largely unfulfilled.