It appeared largely unharmed.
But they all seemed to agree that their working together had been very important in their ability to come through their ordeal largely unharmed.
In October 2005 the statue was stolen, but it was recovered a week later, largely unharmed.
They feed on the dead or necrotic tissue, leaving sound tissue largely unharmed.
Just like Indonesia, countless numbers of people in Japan perished in the disaster, and those who did survive, escaped largely unharmed.
Though largely unharmed, they were footsore, exhausted, and demoralized.
The capital city of Port-au-Prince was largely unharmed, with the exception of flooding in low-lying coastal areas, damaging the main commercial port.
The church remained largely unharmed during World War II.
Swedish fertility rose throughout World War II (as Sweden was largely unharmed by the war) and peaked in 1946.