It was so thickly forested, so creased by little mountain ranges and beset by rivers, that it was largely unmapped.
As of 1980, this region was little explored and largely unmapped, and the expedition was unable to reach Lake Tele.
Ramachandran casts himself as a cross between Sherlock Holmes and Dr Livingstone, a behavioural pioneer exploring the mysteries of a huge and largely unmapped mental continent about which, he admits, "we still have precious little understanding".
But for most Orthodox Jews, fertility therapy is largely unmapped religious terrain.
The second half of his life was spent in a largely unmapped Africa where he tried to conceal his business dealings and how much money he was making.
He was selected to explore and claim the largely unmapped coasts of the northern Gulf of Mexico.
The genre of solo saxophone has a rich, but largely unmapped history in contemporary music, particularly jazz.
With a largely unmapped nation before them, American scientists became the country's earliest explorers - following Humboldt's example and admonition to travel widely, study the natural world, make connections and view the "globe as a great whole."
Therefore, the immediate goal of the ordinance was to raise money through the sale of land in the largely unmapped territory west of the original states acquired at the 1783 (Treaty of Paris) after the end of the Revolutionary War.
It remained largely unmapped until Arthur Dodwell and Theodore Rixon mapped most of its topography and timber resources between 1898 and 1900.