Each recorded section was named, but the process was largely unproductive; after several weeks no complete songs had been created.
Asahel remained there for two years, alternately taking pictures and working a small and largely unproductive claim.
The two prime ministers' talks were largely unproductive, and little common ground was found before Smith flew home on 12 October.
But officials said the questioning of Mr. Hussein had been largely unproductive and disappointing.
He was released after four largely unproductive seasons in 1993, and was regarded as a draft bust.
According to band members, the period was largely unproductive.
It seems that some of these exist to create largely unproductive employment rather than to serve the public.
In both cases, precious time has been lost while the administration has followed largely unproductive diplomatic strategies.
Martin has been injured much of this season and Mourning has been largely unproductive.
This was expensive and largely unproductive, and her hands were shaking with excitement as she let Unique into her old Honda.