In 2006, Berners-Lee and colleagues stated that: "This simple idea ... remains largely unrealized."
It was the first of many plans that remained largely unrealized, as Ossining went through 15 different mayoral administrations in the remaining years of the 20th century.
Except for her low breeding, reflected in her speech patterns, she is largely unrealized.
While Latinos may dominate in sheer numbers, many are not citizens or are too young to vote, so their political clout is largely unrealized.
This grander scheme was largely unrealized at Gogol's death; the work was never completed, and it is primarily the earlier, darker part of the novel that is remembered.
For many reasons (paramount among them the bad faith and racism of enormous numbers of white Americans), the goal of Brown to integrate the public schools has remained largely unrealized.
But it also said the university's full potential as such a resource remained "largely unrealized."
The possibilities of the medium - to explore wider repertory, to propagate new music, and to draw highlights from the limitless archives of recordings - go largely unrealized.
Undeniably, he scored a success in building Healthsource from scratch, but the company's later troubles tarnished that success, and his health care vision was left largely unrealized.
Promises of financial triumph have been largely unrealized.