What is known is that Mary Cohan was adored by her larger-than-life father.
With regards to the dentist quote, Jennifer claims that the book was a "novelization of the past" and written from the perspective of a young girl "surrounded by older brothers and a larger-than-life father."
The rejected-or rejecting-son, in the presence of the larger-than-life father.
"Ad Hoc at Home," by Thomas Keller, the precision-loving chef of French Laundry and Per Se fame, is inspired by his larger-than-life father (Adam Gopnik discusses the book in the magazine this week).
Meanwhile, Mr. August had fallen in love with "Big Fish," which tells the story of a larger-than-life father through his son's eyes.
Sons of larger-than-life fathers tend to become high achievers or no achievers at all, to try either to surpass their fathers' achievements, or to turn away from the competition.
Perhaps growing up in the shadow of his larger-than-life father was good preparation for playing opposite Mr. Stern.
She stated that the book was a "novelization of the past" and written from the perspective of a young girl "surrounded by older brothers and a larger-than-life father."
The tragedy of JQA's life is that, for all his spectacular achievements, he was doomed to feel inadequate next to his larger-than-life father.
"It's finally going to happen," said City Councilman Frank Rizzo Jr., whose larger-than-life father, the late Frank Rizzo, was mayor when the quasi-public Penn's Landing Corporation was created in the 1970's to revitalize the waterfront.