Nestlings are mainly fed with surface-living insects,such as aphids and larval insects.
The species appears to be quite a generalist, preying on a great diversity of adult and larval insects and spiders.
They consume larval insects, small mollusks, microcrustaceans, and other aquatic invertebrates.
In general the legs of larval insects, particularly in the Endopterygota, vary more than in the adults.
As the larval insect grows, small groups of cells form in several locations.
Its diet is omnivorous, including both plant material such as seeds and fruits and adult and larval insects.
They also feed on larval insects, crayfish and fish.
Their diet consists of mainly beetles, larval insects, termites, ants, and spiders.
Periphyton supports larval insects and amphibians, which in turn are used as food by birds, fish, and reptiles.
Its prey includes larval insects, snails, and shellfish.