The back of the sail was black; it flashed to vapor under the pinpoint attack of the forward laser batteries.
Sagramoso City itself was heavily guarded by skyward laser batteries, and these could not easily be neutralised.
"Raise deflector shields and route power to laser batteries."
This sky was good, since they were nothing but weaponless targets until power returned to their laser batteries.
Lawton broke away, but Roman followed, diverting some power back to his laser batteries.
The laser batteries couldn't hit her now that she was inside Prajna-7 itself, but the structure itself was dangerous.
A third laser battery is located on the underside of the command module.
Then a single shot from a laser battery would turn her into debris.
Tracked by Alpha's laser batteries, the ship comes in for a landing.
Why hadn't they attacked the laser batteries of the inner planet from below?