A trade association dedicated to promoting the use of laser displays.
After each successful song, there would be a spectacular show of flame bursts, laser displays and fountain displays respectively.
Reed turned to his console and punched up the laser display.
The cinder-block and poured-concrete floor motif is continued, accompanied by standard disco fog and laser light displays.
Others add coordinate lines and constellations, photographic slides, laser displays, and other images.
Two laser displays which create geometric patterns of pure light pulsate to the atmospheric music.
The lights were abandoned in 1976 and 1977 due to economic recession, returning in 1978 when Oxford Street organised a laser display.
I preferred this moment of quiet homage to the flashy laser displays, accompanied by music beamed onto the ceiling throughout the Christmas season last year.
We shall have balloons, a laser display, an orchestra; but I cannot help feeling that all this is a touch premature.
Almost all of the incidents were known or suspected to be due to outdoor laser displays.