Interactive techniques such as gesture recognition using video stereoscopy and infrared or laser emitters for floor, ceiling and vertical screens are currently being used.
The vehicle can be upgraded with a second laser emitter.
I have laser emitters trained on all three vessels, though the Chrysoberyl's about to pass into Yang's shadow for about fifteen minutes.
We've identified forty-seven mass driver, twenty things we think are laser emitters and fifty-three more we're not sure about.
How many laser emitters in each array?
He fought with a stuck cap on one laser emitter and groused, "Y'know, sometimes I'd be happier not being able to figure out how criminals think."
Know anything about laser emitters?
His response went out as VHF because the aircar's commo suite didn't have a laser emitter.
This technique is called triangulation because the laser dot, the camera and the laser emitter form a triangle.
The length of one side of the triangle, the distance between the camera and the laser emitter is known.