Laserglow initially began as a supplier of laser equipment to the educational and hobbyist market.
The newest laser equipment was being brought from downtown Los Angeles.
Our laser equipment brought up a green coloring on her little hands.
Its powerful drill and high-energy laser equipment are a match for almost any kind of rock.
But millimeter-wave equipment is expensive, and the Army might have to make do with cheaper laser equipment, he said.
Unperturbed, the communications tech said, "Our laser equipment is not functional at this time, sir."
Well, we're going to have to measure this thing and I've got my very own soldier who can handle laser equipment.
Observers can also watch the flow themselves through the polycarbonate viewing panes near the laser equipment.
A letter from the hospital confirmed that laser equipment was to be purchased if the money was raised.
His holographic image, projected by laser equipment built into the ceiling, scintillated slightly.