As the laser frequency is increased, the boundary contracts, pushing all the dots on that graph towards zero velocity, the given definition of "cold".
Some had tried to adjust their suit generators to screen out the laser frequency.
Enemy tanks could be illuminated with laser beams and destroyed by missiles homing in on the laser frequency.
Paula hadn't said anything about a message giving the laser frequency, and neither had he.
Even with seeding, the laser frequency can fluctuate with time and must be monitored.
By using different laser frequencies, it's possible to use a single fiber in both directions.
Gain media with wide spectra allow tuning of the laser frequency.
Typically, no special feedback for the laser frequency is required, as the small reflection at end of the fiber is sufficient to provide efficient operation.
Alternatively, precise phase shifts can be introduced by modulating the laser frequency.
Laser detuning, the difference between a laser frequency and a resonant frequency.