The whale varies in pitch and lasts from four to seven seconds.
Matches can last from 10 seconds to 5 minutes.
Each round lasts from thirty seconds to twenty minutes.
It is defined as lasting from 2.0 seconds to several minutes.
Copulation can last from ninety seconds to ten minutes.
Each attack can last from five seconds to six minutes and may occur up to 200 times daily.
The indri is well known for its loud, distinctive songs, which can last from 45 seconds to more than 3 minutes.
This pain typically lasts from 2 or 3 seconds to a few minutes, though, in some cases, they can persist for up to 30 minutes.
His "special jobs" lasted from 15 seconds to 8 hours a day, depending on the radiation levels involved.
A correct sprint should last from 10 to 25 seconds, leaving the rider exhausted in the 85 to 92% max heart rate range.