Signals were crossed somewhere between the printing of the program, which promised a three-hour show, and the concert, which lasted precisely two hours, though Mr. N'Dour performed every song on his set list.
Each of these phases of the day lasts precisely one minute, although time can be accelerated by pressing right, or rewound by pressing left.
And so for more prejudices being swept away: the theory that League is only for Graham Nortons lasted precisely four minutes, until the first sighting of blood.
Organizers of the inauguration, which for the purposes of live television coverage was to last precisely 58 minutes, left little room for chance to interfere.
The train ride to Levanto lasted precisely six minutes but seemed to carry us from the ancient Mediterranean to the modern world.
Once they were squeezed into a liquid their taste lasted precisely six minutes and then became rancid brostapg urine-and-milk.
In the film, the relationship between Robbie and Claire lasts precisely as long as American involvement in the Vietnam War.
Lunch was to last precisely sixty minutes.
The bipartisan love-fest lasted precisely three weeks.
One must last precisely as long as the other.