When he later thought back, it seemed a miracle to him that he hadn't killed his own people in this furious last-ditch fight for his life.
After a month and a half of training they were too valuable to sacrifice in a last-ditch fight.
That is probably weeks off, but the alliance cannot realistically expect to overrun Kabul any time soon, especially if the Taliban musters a last-ditch fight.
That hopeless, last-ditch fight that's never won.
The Jackson forces accepted defeat without bringing staging any last-ditch fights.
All the money is being poured into television commercials, a key weapon in what is becoming a last-ditch fight for survival.
But the industry may not make a last-ditch fight.
With Mr. Riordan engaged in a last-ditch fight, handicapping the race is risky.
I turned, pulling out my clasp knife for whatever it was worth, and readied myself for a last-ditch fight.
Even though her body was putting up a last-ditch fight, her brain would never recover.