The forged additions to the papal letters were a short-lived and totally irrelevant instrument, a last-ditch measure for the defence of the primacy, which was already a lost cause.
The fact is that last-ditch measures don't work.
As a last-ditch measure, he has entered a seven-year apprenticeship in the crowded field of painting Buddhist images for the tourist trade.
As a last-ditch measure, she took a deep breath, wondered exactly how much good that was going to do, filled her lungs with air, and then vanished completely beneath the rocky surface.
The Inter-Temporal Court's been called in, as a last-ditch measure to try and keep the station operational.
Erasing my hard drive, long considered a last-ditch measure, was becoming more and more appealing with each passing virus scan.
It is a last-ditch defensive measure adopted by small schooling fish when they are threatened by predators.
A bait ball is a last-ditch defensive measure adopted by fish schools when they are overwhelmed and more effective defensive strategies have broken down.
Probably because you were planning an illegal last-ditch measure which required an aircar, Adele thought.
They were potentially so capable of making things worse, however, that they could not be used except as last-ditch measures.