Where soup kitchens are overrun, but popular restaurants still don't take last-minute reservation?
The line, which is in constant contact with 80 hotels in the city, received more than 400 calls on Friday from people seeking last-minute reservations.
The official said her appointment would probably be announced by the end of the week, barring complications or last-minute reservations by the President.
But many say they are making up the business with last-minute reservations.
If this quota is full, you can only buy a last-minute reservation for three times the price.
President Bush had just polled his war council for any last-minute reservations about the war plan.
Most coveted are business travelers who pay top dollar for last-minute reservations.
Getting a last-minute reservation is almost never a problem.
The industry's response was a blizzard of discounts, everything from 2-for-1 promotions to deep reductions on last-minute reservations.
Cindy Justice, who made a a last-minute reservation on a recent weekend, was so pleased that she is already planning to go back in July.