Sometimes the mind did that in a panic, going off on its own last-minute trips.
Before you hit the road for that last-minute trip, here are 10 tips to help you get ready.
But all four do encourage managers to use their discretion, particularly when last-minute trips are involved.
Even so, the site is still worth a try, especially if you're researching an international or last-minute trip.
But sometimes, you can get more value for your money with a last-minute trip, if seats are available.
Many are last-minute trips for specific dates or flight times.
Thinking of a last-minute trip to Nicaragua next week (18.
So far I have spent about 100 hours online lining up a last-minute trip.
These were always last-minute trips, and Florida, through no appeal of its own, just happened to be the setting.
I end my week with a last-minute trip to the Poconos.