Later that day the group does some tobogganing and narrowly avoids an assassination attempt by Findo Gask, thanks to Pick's last-minute warning.
Although Jamestown was spared due to a timely last-minute warning, the Powhatan also attacked and destroyed many smaller settlements along the James River.
Lazarus, Archer repeated silently, recalling the code name Trip had used when he had delivered his last-minute warning about the attack on Coridan.
Memories of the Coridan disaster, which had claimed more than a billion lives despite his last-minute warnings, filled Trip with foreboding.
In the resulting shoot-out, Jeanne shouts a last-minute warning and is killed, and Gordon is shot.
Francois' wife received last-minute warning and escaped with their two sons, arriving with Pierre Laurent Jumelle at Charleston, and settling in Camden, South Carolina.
So he didn't see the Malwa vessel until it was too late to do anything but shout a last-minute warning.
"Londonistan is a last-minute warning for Britain and for much of the free world...the book is powerful and frightening, but also courageous."
Before leaving his two unofficial colleagues, the Captain cast a worried glance at Kasimir, then shook his head and pronounced a last-minute warning.