But exactly what the decline means, or even whether it has any lasting meaning, is a matter of debate.
Since having aligned with the Montreal Westward Rotary Club, the term Garbage Bowl has come to involve a more lasting meaning.
In sobering retrospect, no one can be so sure of the lasting meaning of the first lunar landing.
"Oh, that's all history," Mr. Bush said, dismissing the idea that campaign oratory has lasting meaning as though flicking lint off his lapel.
Even when the Giants and the Vikings have met in the preseason, it has had a lasting meaning.
The peace that Ryan brought both his parents was accompanied by a resolve to make Ryan's short life have lasting meaning, not only for their family, but for others.
Even though they agreed, the gesture apparently held no lasting meaning.
But she at least redefined it in a way that has had lasting meaning.
But in these superficial exchanges, we often lose sight of the real and lasting meaning of the decisions we make and those we defer.
The value is primarily expressed through provisional constructs that have no lasting meaning; we cannot discern truth but we can play with the nonsense.