It is not to attend to what is positive and so also is not to protect the mind from those things which cannot provide lasting satisfaction.
While Democrats may advance bills on tax legislation just to show differences between the parties, that provides little lasting satisfaction to members.
We may not all become Royal Geographers--but there will be to us the lasting satisfaction of having done our best.
But thinking about Alf and Banker Patton, I could see there wasn't any lasting satisfaction in killing people you hate.
Many prominent novelists, actors, writers and musicians find lasting satisfaction in seeing others moved by their work.
Nothing found in the physical world or even the psychological realm can bring lasting deep satisfaction.
Vengeance on the wrong target gives no lasting satisfaction.
A great and lasting satisfaction stretching from the halls of government to the simplest peasant in the most obscure cornfield.
More accurately, his first noble truth reads, "There is no lasting satisfaction."
But church documents bring him no lasting satisfaction, no security of placement.