Yes, one can hope for late cancellations or work through travel agents, tourist offices and local concierges and ticket brokers.
Despite bad weather and the late cancellation of a headlining act (Silverchair), the second festival drew crowds of over 13,000 people.
It says the late cancellation has left it with liabilities of £3.6m.
Although they had no single rooms left, they said finally, they had had a late cancellation of a suite.
The major concern, based upon the 2008 experience, is the high ratio of no shows and extreme late cancellations of competitors.
Volbeat and Opeth's late cancellations were the only hiccup.
Without missing a beat, the clerk heaved open a ledger and began combing it for late cancellations.
Only one other company is attending the conference - following some late cancellations.
I support the proposals, where possible, to cut down on costs by discouraging very late cancellations and applications.
The no-shows and the late cancellations suffered by hotels and airlines should also be taken into account in considering this matter.