By a stroke of luck, the school bell rang late and no children were outside when the bomb detonated.
I am a late child, many sisters and four brothers.
Sometimes she responded to questions, other times she reported on the latest child development data and what it meant.
That vampire who was Lestat's latest child accosted me one evening not long after.
And certain things are nonnegotiable to some parents, like how late children stay out and how frequently they must check in.
They were asked about their late child's last sleep.
More than sixty; Harry wondered what it was like to have your life crowned with a late retarded child.
But that's what Barney the dinosaur, the latest children's sensation on public television, has become.
I would remind you that the latest child to be dying from your disease is only 13 years old.
Today, with the latest child labor laws, most paper boys are aged 13 or over.