It is curious that after ten years the late conflict is still so much on their minds.
Craig Stadler's latest conflict with the rules of golf should never have happened.
They said today that his latest conflict with the White House made that even more likely.
This latest conflict between a governor and his church differs in some respects from the one 65 years ago.
When European settlers arrived in the area in the late 1830s conflict developed between the two groups.
This latest conflict is over seemingly incompatible ways of knowing the world.
The latest conflict that has been cause for the honour to be awarded is the ongoing war in Afghanistan.
He simply took up residence during the outbreak of the latest conflict, Desert Storm, then tried to have it both ways.
This service was now laid upon Sutherland, as his men had not come forward at the late conflict.
Open the newspaper, and you'll find the latest conflict among world leaders, celebrity divorce or local labor union dispute.