The latest confrontation took place about 45 minutes after the group marched into the southeast corner of the park.
Their latest confrontation was an individual thriller within another excellent one-day display by England.
Ultimately Iraq relented until the latest confrontation this year when it refused to accept any inspectors.
With some effort, she smiled sweetly at Marx's latest confrontation.
This latest on-set confrontation between the two would later result in Woody being fired from the set.
But some will say the latest confrontation doesn't really matter much: Russia is headed irretrievably toward chaos and elections won't stop the slide.
The latest confrontation between a human and a computer has ended in a tie.
He'd told her about the latest confrontation with Jessie, though Cindy hadn't seemed interested in the details.
The latest confrontation came to a head Thursday.
In the latest confrontation, he has all but dared the United States and its allies to retaliate.