Her latest crusade began a couple of weeks ago.
To be sure, Guatemala is not the only place in the hemisphere where the war against drugs is fast becoming Washington's latest crusade.
The media are playing up this circus as a desperate distraction to the latest military crusade in Libya and the Japanese radiation disaster.
Even if the Justice Department's latest crusade succeeds only in making explicit the mixed nature of this blessing, it will have done us a great service.
And her latest crusade, after saving a runt puppy, is clothing my clansmen.
His latest crusade is a fight for independence.
Now, in his latest crusade, Mr. Vacco has identified a new villain: an impertinent cartoon frog.
Home ownership is a tough concept to sell to New Yorkers, and not just the tenants, as Mr. Beal has discovered in his latest civic crusade.
Dissent and a Proposal Bottke has taken up the latest crusade.
The vendors contend that they are beleaguered small-business owners who have unjustly been lumped together with squeegee men and drug dealers in the Mayor's latest quality-of-life crusade.