The latest cycle of what used to be called protest music is strikingly different in mood from that of 25 years ago.
Hamas and Fatah blame each other for starting the latest cycle of fighting.
The latest cycle of stress peaked on Thursday evening.
This is, according to the band, "similar to Medeski Martin and Wood's latest creative cycle."
In what is presumably the latest cycle, the art generates the same energy but its effect is more like a shotgun blast.
Mr. Cherubini and his crew recently began the latest cycle.
Changes in your body and a late menstrual cycle are signs that you are pregnant.
Indeed, during the latest cycle of Congressional campaigns, spending approached half a billion dollars.
John Paul has appealed for peace in Lebanon many times, especially since March, when the latest cycle of bloodshed began.
As luck would have it, he arrived too late for the Proteus shuttle-by no more than five cycles.