But the latest decree may in fact create more uncertainty for Mr. Yeltsin, rather than less.
Recently the Government has stepped up its effort to change that situation, and the latest decree bans smoking on all commercial flights and intercity buses.
More than 700 additional complaints have been filed in just two workdays this month, including many today that also question the constitutionality of the government's latest decree.
This latest decree would be a severe blow to Kuwait's financial institutions, according to bankers here.
They want to talk about their children's health or the price of tomatoes or the latest decree of the military Government of Ibrahim Bare Mainassara.
He read the latest decrees, to insure everyone was up to date, and said the city council owed the population its opinions.
The latest decree permits only the preventive detention of organized crime or terrorism suspects - or of suspects who would flee the country if not detained.
The latest decree called on local governments to bring cases of unlawful denial of civic rights before the courts by Oct. 1.
The very latest decree of the National Convention," Danou added, "was that Terror be the order of the day.
The Drummer announces the latest decree of the Emperor: Everyone will be armed and everyone will fight until there are no survivors.