She worked with him briefly on his latest epic, "The Mahabharata," and credits him for his unification of the visual and the emotional.
He never finished the course, but who needs formal training when Spielberg offers you a pivotal role in his latest epic?
We're very busy right now, behind schedule on our latest epic.
This set up the latest six-month epic, "Necropolis".
Has Shelah told you anything about our latest epic?
After the Asian tsunami of 2004, he came across a newspaper snippet which helped inspire his latest epic, Running Wild.
Later we may take in the latest celluloid epic, then there will be a bit of mixed wrestling in the ballroom.
You haven't commented on the start of my latest epic, dear one!
La Plante obviously enjoys writing tough, all-action thrillers but this latest epic was crying out for a little more subtlety and a couple of rounded characters.
However, for all its self-consciousness and researched archaic vocabulary, the late epic was based on very old, scattered materials.