And what finally does this latest flap tell us about the suitability of Robert Gates to become the nation's master spy?
This is just the latest flap in this bloated feeder system of shady deals, silent friends, soft money.
The latest flap bears all the earmarks of the domestic situation, except that its international ramifications are far more troubling.
The latest flap is over White's $600,000 severance package, which includes a car, membership in three country clubs and health insurance.
There will be those who boggle at the item on eBay that has caused the latest flap.
The latest flap relates to the original players in the Arkansas land deal known as Whitewater.
The latest flap came after the Yankees lost Tuesday night, 2-1.
Mr. Shure is betting he can ride out the latest flap over toy guns, too.
C.I.A. officials refused to comment on the latest flap in Moscow.
Little Help From State The furor is the latest flap in a continuing and bitter debate over the state's role.