As a result the Jaspers executed poorly on offense, especially in the late going, and Iona came away with a 73-66 triumph.
In recent weeks, Barber's duties in the late going have increased dramatically.
Where Martinez seemed unable to concentrate, Date did nothing but that, particularly in the late going.
God knows I spent my life loving her and it got hard in the late going.
Martinez not only overwhelmed Majoli in the late going, but she overwhelmed herself.
The Bulldogs became tired in the late going.
Even a small weekly/fortnightly article with the latest goings on in space news and tech would be great.
Led by Dan Majerle, the Suns battled back in the late going.
The key player for the Engineers in the late going was the 6-4 senior Brenton Birmingham.
But when Butch and I are eliminated in the late going, neither my legs nor my backside particularly object.