The latest influx of tourists didn't seem able to read a map and often panicked when darkness set in.
The latest influx, which began in the 1960's, approaches 100,000 immigrants a year.
This latest influx is an alarming barometer of the violence in Darfur.
While the latest influx of wealthy foreigners is pushing costs up, property prices are still low compared with London or New York.
It's startling to realize that with the latest influx of releases, all six stereo recordings are available on CD.
Why Europe is divided by the latest influx of refugees from the conflicts in North Africa.
The latest influx came as fund assets were already at a record total of $350.03 billion set the previous week.
Polling was extended by two hours, to 6 p.m., to account for what officials said was a late influx of female voters in particular.
But by any reckoning, the latest influx, if most of the newcomers manage to stay, would place an extraordinary burden on the city.
The latest influx of refugees is just one more trial for a metropolitan area that not too long ago promoted itself worldwide as the Gold Coast.