Because of the late loss, Ohio State fell from second to fourth in the polls.
A bigger worry is that the plan may not have done enough in three areas: open years, paying for the latest losses and litigation.
After this latest loss, he wanted the team to find a reason to be upbeat, to have fun, to stop worrying.
For years you would pick up the front sports page of this very newspaper and shake your head over the latest loss.
In the locker room after their latest loss, the Giants tried to make sense of the game and themselves.
The latest loss included a one-time charge of $575 million for anticipated costs in the restructuring.
The latest loss, he said, has given Democrats a sense of injustice bordering on the biblical.
Then I had rebelled, to the best of my ability, but this latest loss seemed insurmountable.
Viacom said the latest loss was primarily caused by interest expenses of more than $70 million.
Now, though, the Giants must try to overcome their latest loss and work toward recovery again.